I take a photo and save it on there and I can delete which I don't need. When you invoke Photo DeDupe, Mylio Photos uses existing information in your catalog to quickly identify specific criteria and determine if files are unique.I always use Google photos because the app is pretty amazing. Removing Camera Roll Duplicates in Mylio Photos.Resizing an Image to a Specific Pixel Size.Resizing or Cropping an Image to a Specific Aspect Ratio.Sync Errors: There is a problem with your Instagram Connection.Sync Errors: There is a problem with your Facebook Connection.Exporting Photos to a Folder for Sharing Outside of Mylio Photos.Sharing to Other Platforms on a Mobile Device.Sharing to Instagram on a Mobile Device.Exporting Photos to Flickr on a Computer.Exporting from Mylio Photos on a Mobile Device.Exporting from Mylio Photos on a Computer.Using an External Editor on a Smartphone or Tablet.Working with an established Lightroom Catalog.Working with Lightroom as an External Editor.Applying Edits to a Group of Images (Batch Processing).Quick Edits with AutoEnhance and AutoColor.Editing With Mylio Photos Is Nondestructive.

Backing Up to a Vault on an External Hard Drive.Show in File Explorer / Show in Finder for Original Image Files.Freeing Up Space on Camera Roll or Media Library.Find and Remove Similar Media with Photo DeClutter.Find and Remove Duplicates with Photo DeDupe.Hiding Specific Folders or Media from the LifeCalendar.Changing Access to Calendars in Mylio Photos.Setting Capture Dates for Photos Without an Exact Date.Adjusting a Sync Policy From the Sync Panel.Download Individual Original or Smart Preview Images.Syncing All 5-Star Originals to a Phone.Syncing All Smart Previews to a Laptop or Tablet.Understanding Syncing with Mylio Photos.Store Mylio Photos on an SD Card on Android Devices.Setting Up Mylio Photos for Multiple Users on One Mac or PC.Setting up an S3 Server on Synology NAS.

Adding an S3 Compatible Cloud Service or NAS Private Cloud.Adding a Network Attached Storage (NAS) Device.Adding Devices to Your Mylio Photos Library.Import From Apple Photos, iPhoto, or Aperture.Import from an iOS or Android Device as a Memory Card.Move Images From an Internal or External Drive.Copy Images From an Internal or External Drive.Add Images Without Moving From an Existing Location.Add Media From an Internal or External Drive.